Thursday, February 24, 2011


Cordelia Silva Alton Kimes.

Born December 22, 1846. She is my great great grandmother. She named her daughter Sadie Mae. Sadie Mae was my Dad's grandma. Dad would stop by her house after school and she would feed him homemade bread with homemade jam.

We went searching for Cordelia's grave...Joette, Emily, Chay and I.

In a small cemetery in a small town- in the trees, Spirit Lake, Idaho.

We looked and looked for her grave. We were on a mission to find her. When we arrived to the cemetery it had suddenly stopped raining and the sun was peaking through the clouds.

Joette wanted a picture of her grave for family records.

"I FOUND CORDELIA!!!!!" I screamed when I found her grave. And suddenly a burst of sunbeams came through the clouds and trees and landed right on her grave. "Oh my gosh, quick take a picture, Cordelia knows we're here!" We were laughing and also were astounded by the obvious sunbeams of her grave.

I do not believe in coincidences.

I can't wait to someday meet my ancestors. Those who have come before us and have carried on the legacy of my family. I feel they are so much apart of my life...cheering me on from the other side of the veil. I know there is life after death. We are all connected.

God's plan is perfect. He has carefully designed it so that we can always continue to learn to be like Him through serving others and strengthening family relationships. Our ancestors help us as we help them.

I LOVE THE TEMPLE!!!!! That is what the temple is all about: FAMILY

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

CCSVI jugular veins Multiple Sclerosis angioplasty angiogram

CCSVI jugular veins Multiple sclerosis angioplasty angiogram CCSVI jugular veins Multiple sclerosis angioplasty angiogram CCSVI jugular veins Multiple sclerosis angioplasty angiogram CCSVI jugular veins Multiple sclerosis angioplasty angiogram

Ok so how's that for a little Search Engine Optimization???

I've had many phone calls and inquiries through the blog, email, and facebook about my angioplasty procedure that was done on my jugular veins in December to help alleviate some symptoms with Multiple Sclerosis. Wow that was a long sentence-

I'm also receiving a huge traffic load on the blog when I write about CCSVI and unblocking my veins...from people all over the world.

anyway so I thought maybe I should update and tell all how I'm feeling. This blog is not solely a MS recovery/healing blog. No way. I actually like to pretend that I don't even have MS...and there are so many more interesting things to talk about or worry about in my, I am blessed to not be completely debilitated by the disease.

But I do update and talk about MS every now and then. I also have a link on my sidebar titled "healing" that will direct you to all my posts about my health and MS.

I'm already bored.

Ok on December 21 I had an angiogram type procedure done on both of my jugular veins. According to a ultra sound to the neck, it was obvious that my veins were blocked and that my body had compensated the lack of blood flow by producing little capillaries that were somewhat efficient...I mean I'm alive and breathing right? But according to Dr. Lamboni, the founding expert on blocked jugular veins contributing to MS, blocked jugular veins explains the extra iron deposits in MS patients' brains and the hardening of the mylen sheath in brain cells.

ok so after the procedure was done I felt normal...that first week I really couldn't tell anything was different. I WAS not looking for a cure-all. I was just curious and thought I should just do all I can to improve my health. I didn't want to get overly excited. Well 2 weeks after the procedure I decided to hit the gym and see how I would perform. My left side, which gets super weak when I exercise, felt a little stronger than normal. After working out I didn't feel I would collapse like I usually do but actually felt those natural endorphins kicking in. I felt great. By the third day of working out, I felt my left side start to get weak again during the work out- but then it went away. It was kind of like when you first turn on the outside faucet in the spring after a long winter- you know, where the pressure is working its way through the pipes and water will randomly shoot out and air pockets will burst???? It felt sort of like that when exercising. My left side would go weak and then it would feel strong again. It was so exciting for me- almost emotional.

I started to run again! I even sprinted around the health club's track and I couldn't believe that I wasn't dizzy. The next morning, I was just sore...not horrifically sore and immensely painful like usual.

By the 2nd week, I also noticed that I could get up off the floor with ease and my joints weren't on fire! I wasn't nearly as stiff. I had an overall feeling of aliveness. Is that a word? I just felt a little more present. Subtle subtle but an obvious uplifting feeling of some kind. More energy...more strength...more of something...I just can't explain it.

Well it has now been 2 months since the procedure and I'm starting to wish the Dr. would have implanted a stent instead of just ballooning the vein, because I feel some of the symptoms are coming back. My dizzy spells, which are minor, are coming back and happen a lot through out the day. My joints are starting to get stiff again...just slightly. But I'm optimistic and I will just keep telling myself that I am strong, I am better...and just saying that alone seems to help.

I do have on the agenda to return to the Doctor who performed the procedure and have my veins looked at and see if they are actually blocked again or returning to their previous state.

Well that's about it for now.

I do feel better. I am also more hopeful. I just keep looking forward-

I hope this was hopeful and helpful to some. Questions??? ask away.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

what a dream

um I seriously can't stop looking at this nursery.

A dream nursery...for a girl of course.

oh my gosh! I can't even imagine. Look at those colors. Perfect.

But seriously we all know this nursery is for the Mom. We all know what makes a baby happy. Boobs and snuggles. and that's about it...for the first 6 months anyway.

regardless...I'm in love.

...the nursery was designed by this talented lady...

v day

I think Valentine's day is fun.

I'm a new mommy. Still figuring out the holiday-celebrating-with-children-thing...I think there were improvements from last year. Kids really do make things come alive. Everything is so much more fun with a child around.

Kenzie's abstract art. This thing is going in a frame. Sorry the flash stole from the piece...but that is a popsicle stick, paint and heart sponge. I love it. Prodigy???

my $1 thrift store find

all you need is love

learned to blanket stitch out of boredom one day

and of course the best gift ever: a classic letter from Chay

and it must be shared with all

It reads:

I love you more than

a fat kid loves easy cheese.
Chuck Norris loves to round house kick to the face.
Homer Simpson loves Duff Beer.
A squeem can hug.
Trailer Trash loves monster truck racing or Destruction Derby.
A nasty hangover loves the toilet.
Gollum loves the ring. (my precious)
Kenzie and Ju Ju love Sleeping Beauty.
I love foot and back massages.

You're the

pepper jack cheese to my $5 Spicy Italian sub
laughter to my cheesy jokes
butterflies to my tabletops
charm to my sideburns
milk to my oreos

Happy Valentine's Day April. I love you.


ok well...besides making cookies and eating too much almond butter cream frosting-yumminess- that's about it for our v day experience at our house...well I mean for what can be shared on a blog anyway :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

on top of the world

oh I love this picture. I love this picture. That boy seriously likes that girl.

And the hand looks like a first "holding hands" to me...which is always a big deal. HUGE deal. The butterflies go crazy inside.

I remember the first time I held hands with Chay.

This painting is called "On Top of the World" painted in 1933 by Norman Rockwell of course. I found a big book of all his prints at a thrift store for $4.00!!! for reals.

It feels like I'm on top of the world! Time to get some frames I'd say. Does that mean I have to go to Ikea again?

how about this one? "Fortune Teller"

and this one? "After the Prom"

Norman I love you.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

like 'em close

It's late. But I can't seem to go upstairs. You see, my baby girls have moved into the basement. Tonight is the first night in their new bedroom...and I can barely stand it. They feel so far away. I keep telling myself over and over," they're only in the basement" oh my gosh, I love my 1850 sq foot home now. Anything bigger and my children sleeping in the basement would feel like they were in another state.

Can you see why I can't even fathom the thought of Kenzie going to Kindergarten this year? Oh my, why did I even bring it up? April!! oh great. Tears. Tears.

I told Julia and Kenzie if they still need that middle of the night snuggle, they BETTER come upstairs and get in bed with Daddy and I or they will be sent to time-out otherwise.

What can I say, I love to have my babies close.