Monday, January 07, 2008


So the other day I was talking to Chay and just spilled out on to him how I wish I could be better at homemaking. I think I used to be so bitter about how unfair it was that I was supposed to be the one to do mostly everything when it comes to cooking, raising children, nurturing, money management- that I sort of just became afraid or just didn't really know how to begin- but I feel that I am changing...I really am because through prayer I have seen a huge leap of motivation within to tackle this mommy house thing.

I am very observant. When Chay and I go out to eat we usually will comment on the restaurant and what we would do to make it better...I love doing that type of stuff. We are always thinking of ways to improve businesses- isn't that funny? I guess we think we would be the best managers in the world or the other day Chay said, "This is your house April...treat it like a business, you're the manager" "ok" I thought- that sounds a little more intriguing than "housewife". So here I go...

One of Chay's co-workers reads my blog! I thought only family read it! She noticed my complaints about not being organized in some of my entries and what do you know? Chay comes home and said "Tracie got you a gift" Organizing for Dummies! Thank you Tracie!

So far this book has taught me great things. Remember I'm not a natural at this...first thing that totally helped me from the book was to get a distributor box. When cleaning and organizing a room put everything that doesn't belong in the room in a box- don't go running around the house putting things away- this is what I used to do and it was just a mess- I would start cleaning the living room and find Kenzie's pants so I would go to her room to put them away and then I noticed her bath towel was on the floor so I would pick it up and put it on the hook in the bathroom and then I noticed the counters were cluttered in the bathroom and start to clean the bathroom all forgetting that my original goal was to clean the living room ahhhh

So saturday when I cleaned my room- it worked- I didn't get sidetracked- I had the distributor box, garbage can, and yard sale sack- by the way I have one whole bedroom downstairs filled with yard sale stuff- I am so excited to get rid of things and make a little money. Anyways my bedroom is spotless for the moment and I made the bed when I woke up this morning- I never do that.


Marne said...

Yipee April! I get down too...but it is amazing how we get that little boost from the Lord...he knows our struggles and lifts us up when we need it. I am on a kick too...wahoo!

Tami said...

Sounds like a great book! I'm like you running all over the house putting things away and then noticing something else is dirtier and clean that!! Ahhh! Yes - that is a great idea - the distributor box! Keep sharing your findings and we will all be so organized!

Unknown said...

oh my goodness I could have written that book.

Anonymous said...

I love Joette's comment!!! LOL Joette, you're hired! LOL April, I am laughing so hard right now. I totally do the exact same thing by starting in one place and ending up doing something completely different. We will get organized together!!! :) Love, Jaynee

Calie said...

April I think we all have those tendencies to get side tracked when cleaning. I always start with good intentions. I think I will go check that book out.