Tuesday, September 02, 2008

life is good

It was like seriously 25 degrees colder this morning than it was 5 days ago. The minute September hits, the mornings get freeeezing. How do you do that September?

So fall is kind of here...isn't it- I guess it is exciting to see the seasons change-I sometimes get the butterflies when I think about the changes fall brings...the cold air, leaves, kids going to school, saying goodbye to summer...

I am however totally excited for fall fashion. Vain I know, but I love the jeans and sweater look- pea coats, socks, turtle necks, scarfs- you know- all those fun cozy "I want to snuggle and be warm" clothes.

anyway...Oh what a wonderful summer it has been. Nothing really remarkable happened and no huge exotic trips either- but I have this overall feeling of gratitude and happiness...and I can feel something kind of different inside me- can't really explain it... but it's kind of like the feeling you get when you see that same old house in your neighborhood that you drive by every day- and then one day you decide to visit the neighbor who owns the house and you suddenly realize how nice of neighbors they really are... and you notice how pretty their yard is and you can't help but notice that cute little rocking chair on the porch that you swear you've never seen before...you know, that kind of feeling.

Despite some of the ickies I have been dealing with lately, I can only feel peace and gratitude for the blessings in my life. Heavenly Father is once again working magic in my life... and I know He is mindful of me as I see His merciful love being manifested in all my many areas of life. Life is good.


Calie said...

April you are so right!!! .... Life is good! Fall is here yeah!!! all of my children are in school this year. I am trying to decide if I am happy or sad about that but in the meantime....Life is Good!

Marne said...

Love ya April! You are so right...life is good!

Tara said...

It is strange how out of the blue we get a new perspective and enjoy things we've never noticed before. I'll have to be on the lookout for my awakening!

Stephani said...

April, I love to read your blog (hope you don't mind...), I love the way you write and the things you write about. And your girls are so cute!