Wednesday, August 18, 2010

my planner

This is the longest time in the history of April that I have kept a planner. We are going on 3 months now...I found my planner at Savers for $1 and I love it. Luckily when the year is up I can buy another one HERE - won't get it for a dollar...but still.

This planner almost looks like mine- love the set up. Love the style. Love that it's big. Big is always better.

I have planner issues. I've never been able to keep one longer than 2 weeks- and funny enough, I usually end up misplacing my planners and finding them when the year has expired. Aren't they supposed to keep me organized?

But for some mystical reason, this time around, I am loving my planner and using it, and relying on it. I even cross off and put check marks on things I have done. I circle what needs to be done. I even have phone numbers and grocery lists in my planner. It is great.

but the favorite part of my planner? the quotes on the bottom of each page.

Like this one:
"I have learned that to be with those I like is enough." ~ Walt Whitman

"There shall be an eternal summer in a grateful heart." ~ Celia Thaxter

"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln.

anyway- so how's your planner?

Weigh in Wednesday: Last Wednesday 180-. Today- 177. I'm just sort of bouncing around the same weight by 3 pounds or so- time to kick things up a notch I suppose. I have to get out of maternity clothes eventually right?


Me~Kelly said...

i always called it an organizer and joked that it needed organizing. i had all kinds of stuff jammed into mine. i needed when i worked crazy shifts at my job - only way to keep it straight. now i use the calendar function on my ipod and the notes section on it for to do lists. i don't live and die by it like i once did, but it is still helpful.

ruby ann resteno said...

Haha... same here... well I don't misplace my planners I just got tired of using them. youre right planners are supposed to help us get organized but I find it the exact opposite. I still use the traditional notebook and pen, i guess it would be a lot of fund if it has affirmations down below

Elissa said...

I've always been a sucker for planners. The thought of being organized makes me happy. Actually being organized? Maybe not so much. I used to have planners with pockets and stickers and color-coded highlights. Now I just have a calendar the size of a checkbook. and it's perfect. As long as it doesn't get lost. My to-do lists end up on things like paper plates. And my grocery list is a pad of paper stuck to the fridge.

Tiffani said...

I love your planner. The one that worked best for me was the larger style one that I got from Keith. A couple years ago I bought a nice red leather Franklin planner - but I only used it about a month! Now I use the calendar on my phone. I like it because it even chimes a little reminder before the event.

Levi and Cynthia Wilde said...

Oh my goodness I love planners!! I have one every year and I get smaller (cheaper) ones so I can keep it in my purse. I can't get anything done or get anywhere on time unless I write it in my planner!