I can't believe I am married to Chay. I am so so so lucky. Of course we are madly in love and he is such an incredible husband and father. He may seem like the nicest guy to everyone but he is 10 times that as a father and husband. Even though he's got millions of dollars in the bank from his "wheelin' and dealin'" he still makes it a priority to get up everyday at 4:45 and do the paper route. He says that even though we don't need the money that its a good reminder to all of us of the value of hard work.
His birthday is coming up in a couple months. Chay has tons of "man toys" but the one that he doesn't have yet is a Yamaha R6 motorbike. I think that will be the perfect surprise for him (don't you?). I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees it in the driveway with a big birthday bow on it for him. I'm also planning a surprise dirt bike trip with him and his best friend John down in Moab. After that Chay and I will have his favvvvvorite sister Tara babysit our girls for 2 weeks while we fly to Europe and visit a bunch of sites.
Chay is devoted to be the best person he can possibly be. Whether it be fulfilling a church calling, as an employee, boss, dad, husband, citizen, President of Chaymerica, on the racetrack, closing deals, helping old Grandmas cross the street or even saving a family's cat from a burning house....he does it 110%. I honestly don't know how he does it all. I get so happy and twitterpated when he walks in the door and I'm honored to make him a 3 course meal each night. One thing that melts Chay's heart is when I scratch his back and rub his feet while we talk for hours about Gospel doctrine. I am sooooo blessed to have Chay as my husband...I'm just in awe right now thinking about it.
Exactly where is this Chaymerica?
Oh wow! I can honestly say - we (Niels and I) don't know how Chay does all that he does. And yes, at least 110% effort in everything he does...
If you could give me some advanced notice to the babysitting girls for 2 weeks while you go to Europe that would be great. It will be difficult to swing (so much vacation time) unless you want Niels to do the babysitting... (plan it in the summer) :)
How do you give back rubs / foot rubs when you're prego? Shouldn't that be the other way around!
3 -course meal? Don't let Jake see this! So funny!
Chay lays it on thick doesn't he!
LOL!!! One thing's for sure, he's HILARIOUS! You did luck out! But so did he! :)
hahahaha pres of Chayamerica?? ok the dudes got my vote....if he married my friend April, then I know he has a brain in his head!!!!
Very cute Chay - very well written. I hope you get the birthday of your dreams!
Mom on Keith's laptop...Whoa this is great. What a terrific guy. You two are awesome. I'm dragging my feet on your birthday wish...mom's don't like motor bikes, especially the fast ones! Since I have no control or influence...I will go on faith on that one. Love you FIVE!!! xo lOVE, Mom and Keith
Chaymerica hu? That would actually probably be a pretty cool place. Ya know, even though he might be full of it, a good part of what he wrote isn't far from the truth. Well, enjoy Europe and thanks in advance for our sweet Moab trip coming up.
HAHAHA This is so clever! I love it!
My friend and I were recently discussing about how technology has become so integrated in our day to day lives. Reading this post makes me think back to that discussion we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory falls, the possibility of copying our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I daydream about all the time.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=http://knol.google.com/k/anonymous/-/9v7ff0hnkzef/1]r4i dsi[/url] DS NetPost)
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