it lies so peacefully on the floor- tucked away in a corner- waiting to be sat on.
It is the time-out rug... or sometimes the naughty rug, just depends whatever comes out of mommy or daddy's mouth first-Well whatever it's called it works wonders with little Mckenzie- she hates the rug, she hates the thought of it, she will do whatever she can to stay far far away from it as possible- she will even obey her parents!
It took only a few trips to the rug for her to know how serious we were and oh boy have we seen a night and day difference in Kenzie.
How long will this last? How long will she fear a simple fabricated object knitted so neatly out of whatever it is it's knitted out of? Who knows- It was a $2.99 Ross purchase. It is brown. It is portable (it can even go to Grandma's house)...and it does magic tricks and flies...ok not really-
I hope that I am a parent just like you some day.. you are simply brillant. so are you chayman.
Great idea April! I like the portable idea...
Supernanny would be so proud of you! Nice work Chay & April!
Yes....some may say that April and I are the "picture perfect" parents. Well, what can I say?....We are. Every kid out there would be super jealous if they knew just how great and cool parents we are.
So, the naughty rug now has the official "Chay & April Clark" endorsement....since I'm having problems getting paid out royalties from Ross…go ahead and send me a donation check written out to me. It’ll go for a good cause, I promise. Trust me, you will not regret this…..the naughty rug will change your life. Heck….you could even use it on adults!
Chay...all I have to say is "HEEEED PANTS NOW!"
Great idea! Maybe I should try the naughty rug thing. We tried the couch and Clayton just doesn't sit still on it.... I don't know if the rug would work for him or not. He doesn't sit still at all but it is worth a try!
Tami- we have to hold Mckenzie sometimes- she wants to get up too- so we will hold her for a minute or so
chay have you been sent to the rug yet? funny...funny....sounds great!
how long does chay have to sit on that thing every day?
I was thinking about putting Dad on it until I heard Chay has the rights to it most of the time! Great idea!!!
fun idea!
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