Monday, January 14, 2008

morning mumblings

I'm so in love with Chay's ways of saying things. His usage of words when he comments or tells a story- just makes him all the more interesting...he is very unpredictable.

So a couple mornings ago Chay wakes up....and the first thing he says as he sits up in bed, "Today is my old girlfriend's birthday...Jenny...we were in 6th grade. We just wrote notes to each other...we hardly talked...but oh how she loved me."


Tara said...

Wow, Chay you have a great memory! When is my birthday? :)

Unknown said...

That is hilarious! I love it!!

Chay said...

She was pretty cute. We wrote tons of notes to eachother. I have no idea why I remember her birthday. I was a hot little 6th grader back in my I can totally understand why she had a crush on me. I mean still....c'mon, I'm the man. I'm sure that April is in complete awe everyday when she wakes up and realizes that it's not a dream...but reality that I'm her husband.....dream come true baby!

Anonymous said...

Who could not love a guy with such a big head!!!!Wow!

April said...

He is easy to love...all those who know Chay know he doesn't have a big head- well physically maybe

He's my Chay...and have you seen pictures of him when he was in 6th grade???? HOTTIE!!!!!!

Chay said...

To Ms. Anonymous: nice one D'Nell, why don't you post your name next time? Funny comment though:)

I do admit that tt did take me a while though to grow into my head and teeth....holy crap.