Saturday, March 08, 2008

phone death

I didn't know how to process my thoughts when I saw my phone sitting in a cup of milk. Kenzie looked at me like she was proud of herself- and I gave her quite the opposite look. So off to the naughty rug she went and off to find a little screwdriver I went- but to all our attempts of rescuing it by cleaning and drying- my little phone died- drowned- by milk and foul toddler play.

I mourned my mournings today as I realized that my phone had priceless video clips and pictures from when Kenzie was a baby. There was one video with Kenzie and I together and she is just giggling and giggling. I used to play it all the time...oh how sad.

So email me all your phone numbers please!!! Time to update my new phone!!! Tara made the recovery smooth by lending me her blackberry! Thank you Tara! So if you have tried to call me these past two days sorry- but my phone number should be working again!


Tisha Lou said...

I am so Sorry April. One of my students drop her phone in a pool, she put it in a bag of rice and the rice absorb all the water. I don't know if it would work with milk - but it is worth a shot.

Tara said...

hopefully the blackberry will work for you... it was great to see you guys yesterday.

Tami said...

So sad!! I feel for you!

Calie said...

Oh Kenzie Kenzie Kenzie. Bless her heart. Dont you think with all the technology out there that they could come up with a water proof phone by now? :)

The Wright Stuff said...

Oh. My heart is breaking right now. Ya, it's just a phone, but when it has priceless things on it like videos of the cute things our kids do... so sad. Thank goodness for your blog! You have tons of adorable videos and pictures of your girls! And there will be many more.... :)