This morning all lights were for me.
The moon was huge and it lit up the whole sky...and for some reason there must have been some energy aura thing going on between all the neighbors- because almost everyone in the neighborhoods I deliver papers to had their porch light on. It was kind of nice and cheery...and odd.
ok...so here is an interesting miracle- kind of a mysterious one actually:
oh and this post is mother stuff so it might bore some- but blood and foreign objects might catch some your attention-
review: almost 2 months ago Julia landed on a broken pencil and it lodged a good 3/4 inch into her mouth under the tongue-sort of to the right side. It was a horrific sight to see- protruding straight out of her mouth as she shook in tears. I pulled it out immediately. Her right side of mouth and face started to swell. A day later we took her to ER because she had a fever and her cheek was red and hot to the touch...infection....and so that was it supposedly...antibiotics did the trick and the doctors said it would heal with time.
I noticed just a couple weeks ago that her lower cheek under her chin still looks a little swollen- and then all of the sudden 4 molars, her top front tooth, and 2 canines all decided to teeth at the same time. She has literally been screaming and crying for 2 weeks now. It was like really screaming...and really annoying.
I finally took her into the doctors in fear of the dreadful ear infection- the doctor told me as we both scoped out Julia's mouth with the tongue press thingy, that Julia was severely teething and to load her up on Tylenol and Motrin...well as we looked at her mouth together I noticed the puncture wound where the pencil had entered. It was huge! And still very bloody. "Oh my gosh" I kind of yelled, "that is where the pencil went into her mouth" the doctor of course disagreed at first saying it was blood from teething-"No it isn't, trust me, that is exactly where the pencil went in, the swelling has finally gone down enough so you can see it" The doctor then took a closer look and pressed really hard on the wound- (Julia is screaming her head off by now) blood is starting to go everywhere. The doctor said that she was fine and that she isn't in pain from that but I should go to Primary Children's soon just to have it checked out...well ok...Primary Children's and it isn't serious??? whatever doctor lady. I need a good doctor. I can imagine the perfect doctor in my head but I can't seem to find her/him in real life anywhere.
Anyway since the doctor's, Julia got worse and worse. Motrin would work for an hour maybe. Tylenol was equivalent to water for a painkiller. Oral Gel was like weird and worked half the time for 10 minutes or so. Nursing killed Julia but she still tried- those teething herbal tablets weren't working miracles like they claim to do- the last couple nights before last night Julia screamed the entire night from 11:30 to 4:30. I thought I was going to puke. The only way we could get her to sleep was through the power of the priesthood. Chay and I were on our wits end. (Wits' end- what a funny phrase- I just googled it- it originates from the bible? That is interesting.)
Yesterday I fasted for Julia. We started to pray like crazy. She screamed all day yesterday. We then noticed despite all the little teeth starting to poke through her gums, her puncture wound abscessed (is that the right word?) it was growing, big, black, bubble and purple. It was pushing her tongue to the side. It was really quite disgusting. The amoeba blob of a thing seemed to originate and be circled about in a perfect circular hole...like maybe the circumference of a pencil?- it was just yucky. Well when it was time for bed the screaming persisted and I finally said, "Chay we need to give her another blessing." He was a little reluctant because every night he kept giving her blessing after blessing. Well I decided to nurse Julia while she was being blessed and during the blessing she started to kind of gag a little and then right when Chay closed his blessing with Amen all of the sudden this bloody gob of rubber came out of her mouth...
"what in the heck is this?...oh my gosh...it's an eraser Chay!" It was one of those erasers that you put on the end of a pencil over the existing eraser. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh where did that come from? We don't have any erasers like that in our house" we really don't. Julia immediately stopped crying and fell asleep. Chay grabbed the eraser and chucked it in the garbage. The perfect circle that was surrounding the yucky purple bloody thing was the bottom of the eraser????
what do you think?
Chay believes it to be impossible the eraser was lodged with the pencil and I do too-but how in the heck? She must have put it in her mouth and it somehow found its way into the puncture hole and then flesh started to grow over the top? All I know is that the priesthood blessing and fasting helped the bloody eraser emerge....is this just kind of funky story or what?
I am looking at Julia right now. She is playing for the first time without whimpering. She slept last night!!! Her owie still looks kind of spectacular so I will still take her to primary childrens today but still... this girl better mellow out as the years go by...
Wow - that is crazy! I'm so glad you thought of prayer and fasting to help her. It seems like sometimes when we are in those situations we totally forget to do what is most important. WOw - that is a MIRACLE! I'm glad it came out and she is feeling better (and the doctor should listen to you! The mom knows best!)
HOLY COW! What an experience...poor little ju ju...I bet SHE is so glad all that is over. Thank heavens for the power of the priesthood.
That is unbelievable!!! What a miracle! You are such an inspiration to me on how you always turn to the amazing priesthood and power of fasting and prayer! I can't stand when doctors are like that. I would have punched her! Thank goodness Julia is sleeping better. poor baby.... Poor all of you!
ummmm can I be the first one to say---this post is nothin' without pictures!!! LOL oh gosh April what an ordeal!!!
Wowee! That is so crazy. No wonder poor Ju Ju was crying all the time. I would too! This is a great example of faith. Thanks for being great examples to me Chaypril!
Glad to hear that Juju is finally without pain! Poor sweetie!
uhh...I hate to say this but...it seems pretty obvious where the eraser came from....PENCIL...lol. I am glad it worked it's way out. That could have been really bad. Have a great day!
Oh WOW! I could hardly breath while I was reading that. I felt the pain the whole way through. OH it makes me so sad that she had to go through that for so long. Thank the Lord you had the faith to keep insisting on preisthood blessings. Heavenly Father will bless you April for the faith that you have. You have amazing strength.
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