It was on the lawn across the street with a "free" sign.
I love "free" signs.
When Chay and I moved into our home we were without a dresser- so the free dresser, ugly, but free dresser came in handy for the first 3 years we have lived here. It was beaten up pretty bad...
but friends like Tiffani and Janna seemed to like the dresser when they saw it- that confused me because it was so "motel" to me.- you know modern 70's.
But straight lines have grown on me. Tiffani suggested I paint the dresser. I just wanted to get rid of it. But Since I already had all the primer and paint to paint it- I kept it. The hardware was about $16 dollars. Turned out lovely I think. Obviously not a perfect paint job- but we are learning. It's at least nice to practice on free furniture, right?.
We put it downstairs in the guest/baby room...which is still in the works...
I got the mirror at a thrift store for $10. It was hanging in our bathroom downstairs for a year or so. It's a rather large mirror and I hung it over the toilet...the wrong way- vertically not's just say Chay didn't like using that bathroom very much- he wasn't used to watching himself pee...I personally thought it was hilarious. Chay gladly took the mirror down from above the toilet and spray painted it white for me- and hung it up over the dresser...on Mother's day in fact. That was thoughtful of him.
Oh my gosh I LOVE IT. Really, it all looks so good down there. You are going to love that room. The color looks great too. I can't wait to see it.
One thing, please take the price tag off that mirror already:)
Oh my word April! I had to do a double take on the dresser before and after. It looks amazing! I'm very impressed :)
I agree! You did a great job on it. Have you priced dressers lately? VERY expensive and they are not made like they used to be. Any time you can refurb an old dresser, DO IT.
Looks fabulous! Yes, I'd be a little in shock if I had a mirror in front of the potty, too. Sounds like it will make everyone more happy! Great job!
Yes, I love it!
What an awesome transformation! It looks brand new!
Wow! I like it! And yes let's go walking soon. Things are going much better with us. I feel normal again. Kind of.
u don't give yourself enough credit, again your project turned out great. i think it looks really good, i'm gonna try to sniff out some free deals myself now :)
Appie! I love it! Who'da thunk!
Hope all is well and that you are feeling well. Baby soon????
I love paint! It can do miracles. That dresser turned out AWESOME! So awesome that I feel jealous that you got it free and I didn't! I'm in the process of painting a dresser hot pink! It was a freebie too! I hope it turns out half as cute as that one!
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