So I heard once the phrase "families are the refiners fire" I had to think about it for awhile and then it made perfect sense. I always wondered why it is easier to be nicer to friends than to family sometimes and how your family member's faults dreadfully stick out more than other's. Living with someone or growing up with someone always seems to invite interesting feelings both good and bad.
I believe the relationship we have with ourselves, spouses, family and loved ones is the biggest determining factor if we are growing in a Christ-like way. Sunday faces and typical grocery store conversations don't usually reveal the real us if you know what I mean...but so confession I guess- I have a streak in me of over sensitivity, vanity/pride, control, cruelness, and out of control temper...and it seems to sneak out of me every now and then when I am with family...oh you know how certain personalities push your buttons or maybe you're having a bad day and sadly your family is the victim of some raging and belittling- well anyways I have prayed to change...
I want to get along with my Dad. I know in my heart he is a wonderful person and he loves my mom so dearly. We clash terribly and tend to argue often. God is changing me- because the natural man in me could never do it- changing- leaving the old for new- a new way of being and thinking-
My dad seriously did not bother me at all when I was home this time. In fact I wanted to be with him most of the time. It was wonderful spending time with him. Yes there were a few stirs but it all quickly diminished. I was very content and just felt peace...things just didn't bother me like they used to. I am learning to let just let go...the power of forgiveness is real and it is not our power but His.
Ok well one more big thing about Christmas vacation I wanted to write about is my Mom...but I am not prepared to write about it...still pretty emotional and seriously I don't know what to I will write about it later
Highlights of Christmas 2007
Foux da fa fa
The Notebook
Pride and Prejudice "I love you. Most ardently."
late night talks with Joette
My dad with Julia
12 days of Christmas
rolls rising in the sauna
the infamous cheese ball- sorry but the recipe is a family secret
snow- lot's of snow
celebration of life party for Mom
Kenzie's b-day
spelt cinnamon rolls-sounds like an oxymoron-I believe they were put in the sauna too
mom- everything dear and sweet about her
Mckenzie's birthday dress from beautiful
Ashlee's million pictures
speed scrabble
reverent books from Calie
Because of Her-thank you Joette
visit to Jaynee's
Heather's family photo skills-
chocolate mint truffles from scratch-
remote control helicopter for Chay...I almost regret buying it now
toro viejo-more horchata please
Joette's piano playing...
Christmas story
crepes Christmas morning
Gift to the Savior stocking
hugging mom
walmart with dad at midnight
humus with potstickers- we were really hungry weren't we?
many more I'm sure- but these seem to stick out best in my memory
I'm so glad we can be together forever. I love you my dear sister.
I love you too April. It is amazing how life molds us into who we are and who we can become. Your a wonderful person.
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