lo and behold there was poop in the toilet...
yesterday I attempted potty training for the first time in my life...and Kenzie's life too. I have no idea what I am doing but I feel that she is ready. I am sick of buying diapers and size 4 are getting too small and I will not buy size 5 diapers...- many websites recommend "waiting until the child is ready and then it is much easier" -ok so I might agree on it being easier at first...but I'm the parent and I say now is a good time whether they like it or not...sorry but I'm not in the best mood today.
Well I have tried several methods all crammed together which is probably confusing Kenzie. But after many trial and errors and accidents- the best learning method for Kenzie is the "run around bottomless method" just like African tribal babies...and probably the pioneers for all that we know...
oh the Chinese still practice it... click HERE on Emily's blog to see china kids and their bottomless pants.
ok so panties were too similar to diapers for Kenzie so after going through 3 pairs of wet panties and cleaning up puddles of pee- I took them off and told her very seriously that we are supposed to go pee in the toilet. Her next attempt is quite funny. She sat on the toilet and kept saying "book" and pointing to the cabinet under the sink. I open the cabinet and give her my "Better Homes and Garden" magazine- and there she sat like her mommy- reading a magazine while she went to the bathroom.
Well I was ready to give up. She wasn't interested in the reward of stickers on her potty party chart or did she care much about the chocolate chip I would give her when she went- so I didn't think I was was really ready for all of this...and then 1/2 hour later I hear her grunting...my first thought was "Oh my disgusting!!! She doesn't have a diaper or any underwear on!!!!!" Well what do you know??? She was pooping in the toilet!! It was the most beautiful sight I could ever witness! I loved seeing her poop floating in the toilet so effortlessly! Much more delightful than seeing it all smelly and squishy in her diaper. So what a milestone! Don't worry I didn't take a picture of her first poop in the toilet- although it was tempting.
So we continue on with this adventure...I'm not sure what to do about nap time and bedtime. Do I just let her wet the bed until she learns? What do you mommies do? I did make a mistake today- I left the house to go to story time at the library and so I put a diaper on her. I think I am confusing her. I just needed to get out to the house- I was going crazy. But I will be better....
Mckenzie is really growing up. Her vocab is exploding and she is quite the entertainment. Everyday she will say a new word it seems. These last couple of days she will say, "thank you berry much" and "come on honey" She loves to pray and sing "I love to see the Temple" We have to sing it every night before bed. She is also an out of control brat with emotions raging all over the place. She screams suddenly, tells me and Julia to "STOP IT!" She will rage for a good 5 minutes sometimes and then she will be the sweetest angel. This is all new to me. I didn't have any exposure to crazy toddlers growing up. I'm the youngest and so I am completely clueless when it comes to kids. I try, I read, I pray, I play- and so far so normal I think. Anyway-
So the conference upliftment was a little short lived I say- I have been kind of moody and wished I could still be so lovely and positive. I will figure it out someday how to truly change...I think I will be 90 and I will finally be a cool and collected person who simply enjoys every waking moment with peace and faith- but until then....
anyway so I was losing it the other day and I was yelling at Kenzie for doing something and she looked right at me and yelled back "corner!" She pointed to the corner where she usually sits when being naughty. I thought to myself, "you know she is right- I am being naughty" so off I went...to the corner. Kenzie was in total shock but quickly took on the mother role and brushed my hair and said, "it's ok, it's ok" I then apologized for being naughty and asked for her forgiveness. I hope it was granted- I think it was.
so hopefully I stay out of the corner...I didn't like it very much
Go Kenzie! I have sat Lacy on the toilet but she has not gone in there. I did buy some Dora underwear last week in hopes that might help the situation.
And...just so you know....forcing the potty does NOT work. Believe me. I tried it with both the boys. They did it when they were ready. After forcing Logan for awhile and getting nowhere, I dropped it altogether. Next thing I knew within 2 days he was all potty trained. He did it all himself, and no prodding from me. It was actually very nice. I prefer that way myself.
I think I missed the 'window of opportunity' with Lacy a few months ago. But oh well. I really don't care....I actually prefer them to be a little older when they potty train because I don't have to worry about accidents and all that crap. Because both boys were at least 3 (Logan was older) before they were completely done, I never have had to worry about all that other stuff. Logan did have an accident one time in the store, but from both boys combined for night time accidents, I think maybe 4 times total. It has been nice. I just put pullups on them at night just in case, and kept reusing them if they were dry. I have been lucky so far I have had no problems at night. I suppose I am not willing to go through all that right now....
My kids didn't like rewards either. I tried everything...stickers, candy, toys, new undies...the boys would not be bribed.
Good luck!
They totally have to do it on their own. You give them the idea and then it's all up to them... at least, that's been my experience with my 2 older ones. And at night, I would just put a diaper on, until they were a little older, I would put Pull ups on them, but I would reward them if they weren't wet when they woke up. And I was sure to have them go potty right when they woke up. My kids never went poop until they were completely "potty" trained. LOL So, looks like Kenzie is a step ahead already! It's so awesome to not have to wipe a stinky toddler bum! LOL You're awesome! And kudos to you for "going to the corner"! It is good to show that you take time outs too! :) LOL Love ya!
April!! That was hilarious.. oh I wish I could see you all more.. I love two year olds.. they are so entertaining...
I want to go to the corner!
She is very clever and smart that sweet darling Kenzie.
Congrats to Kenzie! Good luck with figuring out night time and getting out of the house.
Better watch out - Kenzie may use her 'power' to send you to timeout more and more.
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