it's that dreadful time of the year again...I won't be going to any stores with Kenzie for a good 2 months or so- until all that Halloween scary crap is I noticed at walgreens this 12 foot gory skeleton with blood dripping out of its mouth and...why? I mean really-
I can't blame Kenzie for being a little sensitive...because I am seriously going to be spooked out delivering papers in the dark as I tread through lawns with cemeteries, coffins, grim reapers, cob webs, hanging skeletons- I really hate Halloween. I just do. I am good at faking it though and I will get all happy and dressed up for the ward trunk and treat but...
on a brighter frugal side: I went to D.I. the other day and got a pile of children's books for $11...and they were good books. I found another retro 1970's church children's book. I now have 'Baptism' and 'I am a Child of God'. I love looking at those books- especially at the women's clothes and hair do's. I even found a book I had when I was little! Joette, remember the built in bookshelf by the step going into the living room at our old house? It was chuck full of children's books and I would sit there on the step and read them for hours. Kenzie is really starting to love story time...and the books we had were getting so lame. So now I am excited to go to D.I. ever so often and get books for the girlies...
You can never have enough books!
I always try to think about fall harvest time instead of halloween gore. I love this time of year so I try not to have spooky stuff around I love leaves changing colors and all the beautiful colors from everything. You know me and my imagination. I dont like the spooky stuff either. Kenzie has the right idea. She's a smart girl.
hey April, yeah that is a park in Post Falls in the pictures, I do love this area, but would also love to get out of here and explore new places someday if I can talk Aaron into it...I actually am home with my kids, and a student once in a while when I can, and then my husband Aaron is the one who works with Oracle, he works for Itron. He posts on the blog every once in a while, so that was probably one of his posts you read, the one with the person banging their head?...he's funny.=)
ohhhhh so does she like to dress up in pretty fun stuff for Halloween? Is it just the scary stuff she hates? You should check out the Library often times they have story time for little kids. My kids love it, and love reading. It is a fun way to read lots of books
oh I love getting second hand books too. I love buying books. That is one of my weaknesses. A child can never have enough books!
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