oh boy...another day of Kenzie growing up...
today was her first day in primary! Oh my...and of course Miss Sensitive freaked out when I put her in her chair with the Sunbeams. Since I am the primary secretary I decided to sit with her. Then class time came and another crying "don't leave me" episode. We said a prayer together and I left the room...and she did fine! My little big girl...is growing up.
Night time is actually going wonderful. She has slept through the night in her own bed for 3 nights now. She always resists the idea but after saying 10 prayers by her request, she is at east enough where she will fall asleep. It is a miracle! Tonight she asked Daddy for a blessing all on her own so she could sleep alone. We were so surprised. This is a bigger deal to her than we thought. But her faith...oh her precious faith- so touching to witness as parents.
and then there is crazy ju ju-
My son started Sunbeams today also...I cant believe how fast they grow up...I cant believe my oldest is old enough to be getting baptized!!!
Oh wow April she is in primary now. That is amazing. Time is going too fast. I bet Kenzie is a great student in class. She probably will raise her hand and answer all the questions because she is so smart. How wonderful. What a beautiful and sweet little girl you have. You both are doing such a fine job as parents. She has perfect faith. give her a hug and kiss from me.
I can't believe how fast Kenzie and Juju are growing up....ahhhh!!! It just reminds me that I'm getting older...ahh crud. Kenzie probably doesn't appreciate it either, since Juju is now old enough to "pick on her" and tease her. It's so funny watching them.
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