and a husband...who builds a "temple" fort to have Family Home Evening in. The topic tonight was temples in case you're wondering.
Blessed to have the chance to serve in the primary. I was released yesterday as the primary secretary. I was a little teary eyed...didn't really want to be released and was surprised my time was up already...little children just do something to me...and I love the basic principles that are taught in primary-
...all you ever really need to know in life- you learn in primary...ironically I was sustained as a gospel doctrine teacher yesterday...
This weekend we went to Boise. I am so glad we went to Boise. It felt good to leave and go somewhere. I love Chay's family. The sisters (Marne included) I have inherited by marrying Chay are becoming my best friends. We are all so very different and yet so much alike. I stayed at Tiffani's new house. That house is FUN...resort hotel FUN! I became a little disoriented and forgot where our bedroom was at first...and couldn't find my children at times but it was a very exciting house to stay in.
Kenzie and Julia loved playing with their cousins. It was so good to see Marne and Chad and their adorable little family. Abigail is so tiny and precious. Perfect! Marne never ceases to amaze me...when my babies are three weeks old, I look like death, my house is a dump, I don't like seeing people, and I am still running around topless trying to figure out how to feed a baby...Marne was everything opposite- just amazing to me.
I loved talking to Tiffani late into the night with her- thanks for taking me to Cost Plus World that store. Tiffani is really fun to shop with- you know the type of people who actually enjoy meandering around a store with no agenda besides to just look at stuff...that is Tiffani.
...and of course the Boise garage sales were out of many in such a little area...I just love that I got brand new sheets for a quarter...Marne and Tiff are so daring to always talk down the prices...I was so scared to do it...but I did finally...but the Lord of the Rings DVDs rejection was harsh...
I loved seeing Tisha's blue kitchen. Her apartment was so cozy.
Ok for those of you who haven't caught on yet...Chay has 5 sisters. Tiffani, Tami, Tonya, Tara and Tisha...yes you read that right. And Chay also has 2 brothers- Chad and Chase. Marne is Chad's wife. Just in case you are trying to connect the dots. I do that when I read people's blog "Who is that? Where did they come from? How does she know him?"
Chay didn't get the job he interviewed for on Wednesday...and yet we feel peace that things will unfold the way they are supposed to. He starts his masters program July 1st.
I have felt the windows of heaven near and have felt Mom's strength as I have gone in and out of health problems. She knows exactly what I am going through. I feel somewhat better...what is it going to take April? What is it going to take? I am determined to figure out a new thinking pattern and a new healing is like Heavenly Father is just waiting for me to take the reins of faith and make real the promptings I have been receiving from the Holy Ghost. Change is so hard.
Today I was talking to myself...and thinking...and I heard myself finalize my thoughts with these words spoken out loud, "Do I have the faith to change?" Change what- I'm not sure- my relationships, health, pride, spiritual growth, new heart...all of the above I suppose. faith to keep changing... I feel blessed today.
talk about faith...check out this rainbow- Chay and I were taken away by the size and perfectness of this huge rainbow. It seemed like we were driving right under it...right through was huge and bright. It was breathtaking.
I love rainbows!!!!! There were 2! How lucky you guys were to see that! Did you see the pot of gold?
That is so awesome that you get along so well with Chay's family. That is a tremendous blessing!
Congrats on your new calling! You will be amazing at it!
Glad you guys had a great time in Boise!
One thing I have found out about jobs is there are always other (and better) opportunities. Some jobs that I really wanted (at the time) but didn't get have turned out to be a blessing that I didn't get them. So when the perfect opportunity comes along and the timing is right, it will all fall into place.
Good luck with the new calling!
You are amazing April! I wish we had more time to spend together. I love talking to you...that conversation we all had about schools and stuff was so informative for me. I love your perspective on things.
Lacy is still talking about ju ju and misses her! We are excited to see you again next month!
April I love it when you write. I love it when you post pictures and videos. My favorite picture from this post is JuJu helping Chey work on the 4 wheeler and she has her dress shoes on. I love it! That rainbow was amazing! I loved Chay's last comment when you turned the camara on him and he said "hey". I wanted to say hey back! We miss you guys. Love you April.
What a nice post - I loved reading your recap of the weekend. It was definitely fun and full - we did so much it seemed like. I was totally because of the late nights I napped Saturday evening and again on Sunday.
You forgot 3 library books, your wipes, and JuJu's white shoes. I will bring them to the reunion.
I enjoyed our excursions and our conversations - I wish we all had more time for that. It's fun to get to know each other on a deeper level.
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