Monday, October 26, 2009

food is love

ok ya'll.

Do you want some easy good delicious recipes? I never do. Ok sometimes I do. I really don't like to cook. I do sort of. I don't know. It depends. Sometimes I really enjoy it. I really like to eat what other people cook. My cooking spurts come and go.

anyway when I do cook, it usually turns out really good and tasty (probably because the majority of my recipes are my mom's)...and when my sister-n-laws cook- WATCH OUT! AMAZING.

Here is a recipe blog we (me and the sister-n-laws I inherited marrying Chay)have been keeping for a long time. If you like simple good tasting recipes that aren't too fancy or have funky ingredients than...well here you GO. LET'S GATHER IN THE KITCHEN DANG IT!

I am really trying to meal plan to save time and this blog is a great place to start.

1 comment:

Tiffani said...

Thanks for the compliment April - I'm still wondering what you eat?