What is eating alkaline you might ask? I really don't want to explain it all. But there is a link at the bottom of this post if you're interested. But basically it's a really weird way of eating...especially in our American culture. You know, like eating kale and collard greens for breakfast. Really weird.
But what I do know is that eating this way works wonders on this precious body of mine. It is a theory that I feel is the correct way for me to eat. Whenever I eat this way I feel on top of the world. I have tons of energy, bounce in my step, clear mind, lose weight, and I'm less irritable. :)
Can I do it??? Yes I can. Yesterday I woke up with this new crazy idea.
It will be my gift to myself. It will be hard.
Yesterday I was craving sugar and bread all day. I ate mostly almonds, cucumbers, peas, green beans, salmon (neutral), tomatoes, celery, almond butter. I even felt a little sick from changing my diet suddenly. I peed a lot from the green drink.
But this morning I woke up feeling great. I still want to eat those yummy granola bars in the pantry...but day 2 is almost gone. I even made homemade rolls and didn't eat one! I love the challenge. In about a week the cravings should be gone.
HERE is an awesome reference of what and what NOT to eat while following an alkaline regimen.
and HERE is a great explanation of what this whole shin dig crazy diet is all about.
You are turning 32 this year? Good luck on your goal - I know you can do it.
i'm interested.
are we really only a year(ish) apart in age?
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